“From Grocery Store to Wow!” Floral Design Class this Saturday
I feel it—the itch for spring! January was so long, and February is so cold—every time I have been outside, there is an ache in me for warmer weather and green things growing in my garden.
One way I love to add a bit of “spring” into my winter is by practicing my design skills with grocery store bouquets. Their beauty reminds me of the season ahead, which will be full of color and life in a few short months. I love playing with added textures and hues to an otherwise mundane bouquet. They really make it something extra special.
I would love to share what I have learned with you! I am hosting a floral design class this Saturday, February 22nd, at my home from 3 to 4:30 pm. In the class, I will discuss finding the best flowers and “extra” filler flowers from the store, selecting the right vase for your bouquet, conditioning flowers prior to arranging, and keeping your bouquet fresh for as long as possible. Then we get to practice! I am so excited to create something beautiful with you. Won’t you join me?
Sign up for the class by clicking here. Class is $50, and participants will take home their own beautiful bouquet in a glass vase. Tools and snacks will be provided. Come enjoy a fun afternoon with the flowers!
2025 Valentine’s Day Flowers!
There’s nothing quite like celebrating Valentine’s Day with the beauty of flowers. This year, I am offering two items specifically for Valentine’s Day.
First, consider purchasing a tulip subscription. In this subscription, you will receive 10-stems of tulips, plus other amazing spring flowers, like heirloom narcissus and leucojum. Tulips will come in all colors and forms, and they are sure to put a smile on your face after a long winter! Bouquets run mid-April through mid-May.
Or sign up for the "From Grocery Store to Wow!" flower arranging class on February 22nd from 3 to 4:30 pm. Learn how to take a grocery store bouquet and turn it into something amazing! We will talk about picking the right vase, how to choose "extra" filler flowers, conditioning flowers prior to arranging, and how to keep your bouquet fresh for as long as possible. Participants will take home their own beautiful bouquet in a glass vase.
Included with either of these purchases is a blank-inside Valentine's Day card and a beautiful postcard describing your purchase. Please reach out if you have any questions!
Planning season has begun!
2024 is over and 2025 is bright, shiny and new. When the weather is freezing and I can’t be outside digging up more grass (!!), I start planning! Planning actually started in September, when I laid out many of my 2025 garden beds so I would know where to plant my hardy annuals for the winter. But now is an important time for me to get inspiration and learn new skills to make this year the best one yet!
One of my biggest projects so far was to put together my vision board. This is a practice I started three years ago when I took the Floret workshop and I love repeating this assignment every January. I cut up all sorts of magazines and find the things that speak to me—pictures, words, illustrations, etc.—and then they meet in one big poster to motivate me throughout the year.
This year’s end result included a lot of flowers and a lot of nature. I also noticed a pattern in the words I selected with themes around patience, resilience, and finding myself. Despite early ambitions of substantially increasing the numbers of flowers I harvest and sell, I have stepped back and settled into the idea of connection over growth. This year I want to connect more with you, my wonderful customer, and nature, finding joy in the flowers I love to share.
Fall chores equal a beautiful spring
This is one of my favorite times of the year. Once the first frost came and the garden beds were cleared out, it was time to plant bulbs and corms! I have actually been planning the 2025 spring garden since spring 2024, when I ordered tulips, daffodils, leucojum, allium, and ranunculus—over 1,200 total!
I planted my newest cottage garden beds with a mix of Viridiflora tulips and split corona (or butterfly) heirloom narcissus with the intention that they will perennialize and come back every year.
While the beds in the front yard are a mix of spring flowers, I planted my beds in the back yard with rows upon rows of tulips. I planted about 500 in the ground and about 400 went into crates!
.Because tulip plantings need to be rotated each year, I didn’t have enough beds to plant these. I opted for crates not only to capture more space, but I am also hoping they will be easier to harvest. When harvesting tulips for cut flowers, I will pull the bulb with the flower. It will add up to 4” in stem length and help the flower last longer in the cooler. Tulips with the bulb can be put in cold-storage for 2 weeks, helping me to spread out bouquet making from week to week.
Finally, presprouted ranunculus went in the ground last week. I’m trialing 3 new fancy Italian varieties in addition to the types that I plant each year.
It seems hard to believe that this little mass of roots will grow into my favorite flower!
Finally, presprouted ranunculus went in the ground last week. I’m trialing 3 new fancy Italian varieties in addition to the types that I plant each year.
It seems hard to believe that this little mass of roots will grow into my favorite flower!